
Ashley is an avid sports enthusiast and an athlete for life. She graduated from Dartmouth College as a two-time captain for the Women’s Volleyball Team. After a success four-year career – its no surprise she has remained in the sports industry for over 17 years, with a proven track record for thriving in a fast-paced, dynamic environment.

Her experience has ranged from Division I Collegiate Volleyball Coach to small business owner to her current role as Director of Corporate Development for Mamba Sports Academy, a multi-purpose training facility in Thousand Oaks, CA.

As Senior Director, Business Development, Ashley focus is on engaging in strategic relationships with individuals and companies at the local, regional and international level- evaluating partnerships/sponsorships and value-based growth opportunities for Mamba Sports Academy.

She attributes her professional growth and leadership style to her many years on the field and court as an athlete and naturally gravitates toward the mentorship opportunities that coaching/business have afforded her – paying it forward to the next generation of female leaders.

In addition, Ashley has explored her entrepreneurial spirit on numerous accounts and most recently has teamed up with the Co-Creators of YogaLand – the experiential board game for yoga enthusiasts, as a Co-Founder and principal owner in the Company.

Ashley serves on numerous boards; VP of Partnerships for WISE LA (Women in Sports and Events), President of Natasha Watley Foundation, as well as Chair of Dartmouth Women’s Volleyball Advisory Board.

She resides in Thousand Oaks with her wife of nine years. Both are active and enjoy road biking, mountain biking, hiking, yoga and spending time with family and friends.