Empowering Tomorrow's Leaders:
Fostering Character, Community, and Competition On and Off the Field.
To empower girls from underserved communities through softball.
Become an NWF Participant
Build community & character while competing.
- Gain softball exposure in our clinics, summer camp, and leagues
- Character development workshops and experiences
- Sponsorship/Scholarship opportunities
Become a Coach Mentor
You’ve always wanted to give back and make an impact – now is the time!
- Create connection & community with the next generation of girls
- Be the representation and role model through mentorship
- Develop your coaching skills
Invest in Women & Girls
Change her world today, tomorrow and for the rest of her life
- Invest in the women that lead and the girls that play
- Directly support scholarships/sponsorships
- Help provide more access & opportunities for girls in sports
I started NWF to show young girls their potential. Softball (Sport) has been a huge part of my life, opening doors I never knew existed. Every girl deserves the opportunity to have a passion, dream BIG and succeed.
-Natasha Watley

NWF has become such a huge part of my life. I am so thankful for the opportunities it has given me. NWF has taken me to Mexico, and has given me the chance to coach my own team. I’ve met so many amazing young girls throughout this journey.
Miranda Lopez, Coach Mentor

Witnessing the impactful growth of the foundation during my tenure has been nothing short of remarkable. Through our collective efforts, I have seen the foundation transform the lives of countless young girls, providing them with not just softball skills but invaluable life skills they can use for the rest of their lives.
Sue Enquist, Board Member

My family doesn’t have much, but softball and the NWF changed my life forever. I appreciate everything I have gotten from this program and for giving girls like me who live in neighborhoods like mine a shot at something bigger.